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Recipe No.2 |
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Recipe No.1 |
Rajcice,mozzarella & bosiljak...bilo gdje, bilo kad, ja sam za. Sendvic u tostu ili salata caprese ovo je za mene nenadmasiva kombinacija. Obozavam bosiljak.
Tart sa rajcicama, mozzarellom i bosiljkom
- Recept br. 1 -
- 250 g brasna
- 1 zumanjak
- 70 ml vode
- 1 zlicica soli
- 1 zlicica secera
- 65 g maslaca
- 1/2 zlicice svijeze ili susene majcine dusice
Pomijesajte zumanjak,vodu,sol i secer. Prosijte brasno i majcinu dusicu te dodajte maslac,narezan na listice. Izmjesajte prstima da dobijete grudicastu smjesu. U sredini napravite udubinu i dodajte tekuce sastojke. Zamijesite i prebacite na pobrasnjenu povrsinu i mijesite dok ne dobijete jednolicnu smjesu. Tijesto ostavite najmanje 6 h u hladnjaku. Najbolje je pripremiti ga vecer prije i ostaviti preko noci kako bi sto vise izgubilo elasticitet.
- 3 zlice punomasnog vrhnja, min 20%
- 1 zlica dijon senfa
- 5 vecih rajcica
- 2 paketa mozzarelle
- par listova svijezeg bosiljka
- sol,papar
- maslinovo ulje
Pomijesajte vrhnje i senf te premazite tijesto(izbockano vilicom). Rajcice i mozzarellu narezite na ploske i slazite u krug, plosku rajcice,plosku mozzarelle. Pospite sjeckanim bosiljkom te pecite 35-40 min na 180C. Peceno pospricajte maslinovim uljem.
Ako vam rajcice i vrhnje puste dosta soka, samo produzite vrijeme pecenja. Mozete pokriti folijom da vam ne zagori. Najbolje je posluzeno toplo.
- Recept br.2 -
Podloga sa bosiljkom i cesnjakom:
- Recept br.2 -
Podloga sa bosiljkom i cesnjakom:
- 180 g brasna
- 115 g maslaca
- saka svjezeg bosiljka
- 1 cesanj cesnjaka
- sol, papar
- 5 zlica hladne vode
- 250 g mozzarelle
- 500 g cherry rajcica
- sol, papar
- maslinovo ulje
U multipraktiku nekoliko puta zavrtiti cesnjak i bosiljak. Dodati ostale sastojke i zamijesiti tijesto. Zamotati u foliju i staviti u frizider na pola sata. U medjuvremenu mozzarellu nasjeci na snite, rajcice prepoloviti. Tijesto razvaljati u kalup, preko sloziti mozzarellu, po siru razbacati rajcice. Zaciniti i pouljiti. Peci oko 30 min na 180C. Posluziti toplo.
Dobar tek!
Tomato, Mozzarella & Basil Tart
Tomato, mozzarella,basil... no need to say more. I'm always in. Anytime, anywhere, sandwich, toast or caprese salad, for me this is the best combination ever. I love basil. I love its smell. In soups, in saldas, in quiche.
Recently I tried goat cheese salad with basil and strawberries. Such a gastronomic hedonism. And tomatoes...I can not wait for the summer when the tomato with its beautiful red color gets all over the market. From the beginning till the end of the summer it is on our menu.
Tomato Mozzarella & Basil Tart
- Recipe No.1 -
- 250 g flour
- 1 egg yolk
- 70 ml water
- 65 g butter,diced
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon fresh or dry thyme
Place the flour and thyme in a large bowl. Rub the diced butter into the flour until it becomes sandy in texture. Separately, mix egg yolk, water, salt and sugar. Add to the flour and butter and mix until the dough is holding together well. Place the dough on a floured work surface and knead with palms until totally blended. Wrap in cling film and refrigerate for at least 6 h. Best is over night.
- 3 spoons creme fraiche
- 1 spoon dijon mustard
- 5 tomatoes
- 2 pkg mozzarella
- fresh basil
- salt,pepper
- olive oil
Mix creme fraiche and mustard. Spread over the dough and arange tomatoes and mozzarella one by in a circle one until you finish them all. Sprinkle with basil and bake 35-40 min on 180C. If you end up with having some extra tomato and creme fraiche juices on the surface, just bake for 5-10 min more. You can cover it with foil if you don't like it roasted to much. Sprinkle with some olive oil and serve warm.
- Recipe No.2 -
- 180 g flour
- 115 g butter
- handful of fresh basil
- 1 garlic clove
- salt, pepper
- 5 T cold water
- 250 g mozzarella
- 500 g cherry tomato
- salt, pepper
- olive oil
In a multipractic food processor chop roughly garlic and basil. Add the rest of the ingredients and make a dough. Wrap in cling foil and place in fridge for half an hour. In the meantime, slice mozzarella and tomatoes. Roll out the dough and place to the tart pan. Arrange the cheese and tomatoes, season and sprinkle with olive oil. Bake for 30 min on 180C. Serve warm.
Bon Appetite!
Pun okusa i mirisa zaista po mom guštu, iako sam radila nešto slično po Ebbinom receptu i jako mi se svidjelo iako mojim nije bilo po guštu taj dodatak senfa.
ReplyDeletesteta ga ne isprobati samo radi senfa. Samo ga izostavis..