Mislim da je ova torta jedna od prvih koje sam napravila svom dragom. Zajedno s njom dugo, dugo prvo mijesto zauzimao je i rolat sa bananama. Ne znam niti broj koliko sam ga puta napravila. No to je bilo prije kojih 8 godina. S vremenom, kako je moja ljubav prema kolacima drasticno rasla tako je rasla i kvaliteta i zahtjevnost kolaca koje sam pripremala. Uz mene, moj muz postao je jedan veliki ali vjerodostojni kriticar. I to mi se jako svidja. Definitivno nije tip koji ce reci ma svejedno mi je koji kolac. Ne. Sada ide do tocke kada me ispituje o namirnicama, mogucim kombinacijama i njegov komentar o necemu novom na kraju bude jako zanimljiv.
Mascarpone i sumsko voce. Idealna ljetna kombinacija.
Mascarpone Torta sa sumskim vocem
- 300 g petit keksa
- prstohvat cimeta
- 150 g maslaca, mekog
- 500 g mascarpone sira
- 200 ml slatkog vrhnja
- 3 zlice secera
- 1 vanila secer
- 4 lista zelatine
- 250 g sumskog voca, cca
- 2 crvena preljeva za torte
Keks,maslac i cimet sjedinite u multipraktiku. Smjesu prebacite u oblozeni kalup za torte promjera 26 cm i utapkajte rukama. Mascarpone i secere izradite mikserom, dodajte otopljenu zelatinu te izradjeno vrhnje. Lagano spatulom sve izmjesajte i istresite preko podloge. Ostavite par sati da se stvrdne. Najbolje preko noci. Poslazite sumsko voce po povrsini. Ako koristite zamrznuto ( koje je isto tako dobro kao i svijeze), prvo napravite preljev da se malo ohladi i onda poslazite voce. Ako vam dugo stoji, poceti ce vam se topiti. Preljev napravite po uputi na vrecici.
Dobar tek!
Mascarpone Cake with wild berries
Mix mascarpone cheese and sugars until blended and add dissolved gelatin leaves. Whip the cream until soft,not to firm and add to the mascarpone mixture. Spread the mixture over the cookie base and let cool. It is best over night.
Make the jelly following the instructions on the back. Spread the berries and pour the jelly over. Let cool and serve.
Bon Appetite!
Mascarpone Cake with Wild Berries
This is one of the first cakes I made for my husband. It was around 8 years ago. With time, my passion for baking and sweets was growing and with that also the quality of my cakes. Before B would be satisfied with a simple tea cake. Today he became my biggest critic. And I love it. I appreciate it. He will not just tell you I like it or not. He would go to the point of asking me about the ingredients and combinations, giving me advices. We talk about it and it became very interesting
Mascarpone Cake with wild berries
- 300 g petit bure cookies
- pinch of cinnamon
- 150 g melted butter
- 500 g mascarpone cheese
- 200 ml heavy cream
- 3 spoons of sugar
- 1 vanilla sugar
- 4 leaves of gelatin
- 250 g frozen/fresh wild berries
- 2 packages of red jelly for cakes
Mix mascarpone cheese and sugars until blended and add dissolved gelatin leaves. Whip the cream until soft,not to firm and add to the mascarpone mixture. Spread the mixture over the cookie base and let cool. It is best over night.
Make the jelly following the instructions on the back. Spread the berries and pour the jelly over. Let cool and serve.
Bon Appetite!