
May 7, 2012

Kokos kocke / Lamingtons

To! to je to! kada uz minimalan trud i vrijeme dobijes vrhunski rezultat. Famozne kokos kocke iliti Lamingtons. Originalno dolaze iz daleke Australije i zanimljivo je,da ih Lord Lamington, po kojemu su dobile ime, nije niti volio. 'Those bloody puffy woolly biscuits' kako ih je nazivao, napravljene od biskvita i umocene u cokoladu i kokos postale su poznate i omiljene sirom svijeta. Pa tako i kod mene doma. 

Varijacija na temu ovoga recepta ima dosta. Probala sam par i zadrzala sam se na ovom. Socne i ukusne, pravi su pogodak. Sto duze stoje, sve su mekse. No to tesko da se dogodi kod nas doma. Rijetko kada ostane i za sutra. 
Ja ih volim izrezati u male kockice ( 3cm*3cm) i igrati se sa njihovim izgledom. Mozete obojati kokos u razlicite boje i dobiti roze, zute ili zelene kokos kocke. Za dijecu i njihove vesele rodjendane to je posebno interesantno. Mozete ih prerezati i premazati slojem marmelade od jagoda ili cisto cokoladom. Ta je kombinacija jako cesta u Australiji gdje se prodaju gotovo u svakoj pekarnici. No kod mene najelegantnija i pobjednicka verzija definitivno su kokos kocke sa bijelom cokoladom i kokosom. Nesto savrseno! Okus ostaje slican,skoro pa isti ali vizualni dio je nenadmasiv..

Kokos Kocke
  • 3 jaja
  • 150 g secera
  • 125 ml ulja
  • 100 ml mlijeka
  • 280 g brasna
  • 1 vanila secer
  • 1 prasak za pecivo
  • ribana korica limuna

Cokoladni umak:

  • 200 ml slatkoga vrhnja 
  • 200 ml mlijeka
  • 100 g cokolade
  • 125 g maslaca
  • 100 g secera
  • 150 g kokosa
Izmiksajte jaja sa secerom da dobijete pjenastu,zutu smjesu. Dodajte ulje i mlijeko te rucno promijesajte. U to prosijte brasno i prasak za pecivo te naribaje limunovu koricu. Pecite u kalupu oblozenom papirom na 180C oko 30 min dok ne dobije zlatnu boju i dok vam cackalica ne bude suha kada ju izvucete. 
Kako ja rezem male kockice,3 cm*3 cm koristim veci kalup (30*20cm) jer volim da su mi niske. Ako su vama draze vece i vislje, mozete biskvit ispeci u manjem.  
Za cokoladni umak zagrijte sve sastojke da vam se cokolada otopi. Mozete ostaviti u istoj zdjeli da ne prljate drugu i ohladite. Narezane kocke biskvita uronite u cokoladu, te uvaljajte u kokos. Preporucljivo je da jednom rukom valjate u cokoladi a da drugu ostavite suhu za kokos inace ce vam se cijeli kokos uprljati od cokolade.
Mozete ih jesti odmah a najbolje su kada malo odstoje kako bi biskvit popustio i sto bolje upio cokoladu.
Dobar tek!



That's it! That is what I'm talking about. When with minimum effort you get a maximum and a great result. Famous Lamingtons. Originally they come form Australia. It is interesting that Lord Lamington, after who they were named, he didn't even like them. 'Those bloody puffy woolly biscuits' how he called them, they became famous and favorite around the globe. As they did in our home. 

There are various recipes for Lamingtons. I tried couple of them and finished my search for perfect ones with this recipe. So soft and tasty. Longer they stay, they become more soft. But that rarely happens in our home. They are gone in a second. 

I like to cut them into small cubes (3cm*3cm) and play with them. You can color the coconut in pink,yellow or green. You can fill them with strawberry jam or with chocolate. That combination is very popular in Australia where you can find them in almost every bakery. But for me, the most elegant are the ones with white chocolate dipping and coconut. Simply perfect and irresistible! They taste almost the same but visually they are the winners.

for the sponge:
  • 3 eggs
  • 150 g sugar
  • 125 ml sunflower oil
  • 100 ml milk
  • lemon zest
  • 1 package vanilla sugar
  • 280 g flour
  • 1 package baking powder
for the chocolate:
  • 200 ml whipping cream
  • 200 ml milk
  • 100 g dark chocolate
  • 100 g sugar
  • 150 g coconut flakes
Mix eggs and sugar until you get fluffy and yellow mixture. Add oil and milk and whisk by hand. Then add lemon zest,baking powder and the flour and mix everything together. Bake in a pan lined with parchment paper for around 30 min on 180C, until it gets golden color and the wooden toothpick is dry and clean when you pull it out of the sponge. Let it cool.
For the chocolate frosting put all the ingredients into a sauce pan and bring almost to a boil. Put on a side and leave it in a same pan to cool. 
Cut the sponge into small cubes and one by one dip them into chocolate and then into coconut. Try to dip them with one hand and the other hand leave for the coconut. Otherwise you will end up with chocolate dirty coconut.
You can serve them right away but the best would be if they could rest for couple of hours.
Bon Appetite!

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