
May 9, 2012

Cokoladni kolac sa pireom od jabuke / Chocolate Applesauce Cake

Danas sam u srcolikom raspolozenju :) Sto da kazem..sretna sam! Jos malo i idemo doma. Pri kraju svake sezone pokusavam iscrpiti sve zalihe namirnica koje su mi ostale na kuhinjskim policama.Bude toga dosta. I previse. Vrijeme je da pomalo zapocnem. Znam da ce opet stosta ostati, no ako nista drugo, napraviti cemo oprostajni party i sve iskoristiti. Cokoladni kolac sa pireom od jabuke,bananom i orasima. Moze! Ja sam za! Pire od jabuka cesto stavljam u kolace. Pogotovo muffine i ovakve kolace koji su idealni za salicu caja ili kave.  
Imala sam i svoje male,vrijedne pomagace..

Bru je dekorirala a Jakob je po obicaju 'krao' :) Nekada se zapitam..kako odrastaju uz sve ove kolace doma, hoce li im ikada dosaditi?? tko zna.. No ne mogu sakriti odusevljenje kada nju vidim u kuhinji. Kada ju vidim kako se smije u oblacima brasna dok ga prosijava i kada vidim njene krupne oci pune odusevljenja,srece,napetosti i slatke nespretnosti dok sa jajima pokusava razdvojiti zumanjak od bjelanjka. Ili kada miksa bjelanjke i onda se nesto okrene na drugu stranu a mikser zavrsi u zraku i sa blelanjcima po kuhinjskim elementima :)  To je moja sreca,mamina mala ljubav..

Cokoladni kolac sa pireom od jabuke

  • 150 g brasna
  • 2 zlice kakaa
  • 3/4 zlicice sode bikarbone
  • 1/4 zlicice soli
  • 60 g maslaca
  • 150 g secera
  • 1 zlicica vanilla ekstrakta
  • 2 jaja
  • 250 g pirea od jabuke
  • 90 g cokolade
  • 50 g sjeckanih oraha
Zagrijte pecnicu na 180C. Kalup promjera 20 cm oblozite masnim papirom.
Pomijesajte prosijano brasno,kakao,sodu i sol u jednoj zdijelici. U drugoj izmiksajte maslac sobne temperature,secer i vanilija ekstrakt. Dodavajte jedno po jedno jaje i na kraju primjesajte pire od jabuke i suhe sastojke. Istersite u kalup t epospite sa isjeckanom cokoladom i orasima. Pecite 30-35 min,dok vam cackalica ne izadje suha.
Ohladite i posluzite samo,sa lagano utucenim slatkim vrhnjem,cokoladnom umakom ili svijezim vocem. Takodjer,dio pirea od jabuke ili cak cijeli, mozete zamjeniti zgnjecenom bananom. Okus je odlican! U tom slucaju zgnjecenu bananu izmiksajte sa maslacem i jajima.
Dobar tek! 


Chocolate Applesauce Cake

Today I was in a 'heartly' mood :) What can I say...I am happy! Soon we are about to go home. In the end of every season I try to use all the ingredients I have left on mi kitchen shelves. There is so much of it, way to much. I know I will not use everything I have left, but if nothing I will prepare good by party and we will have a feast. Chocolate gateau with apple pure,banana and walnuts. Check that! I use apple pure very often. For the muffins or gateau like this one,which are perfect for couple of coffee or tea

I also had my little ones to help me out. Bru was decorating and Jakob was stealing. As usual :)
I often ask myself are they still going to love the cakes when they grow up? Are they going to get tired of them? who knows... But, I can not hide my happiness and pride when I see her in a cloud of flour while sifting it and her big beautiful eyes thrilled and full of happiness,tense while trying to separate egg white  from egg yolk. Or when she is mixing the egg whites and she turns around for something and the hand together with the mixer ends up in the air and the egg whites all around the kitchen. I just love it. Sometimes it is so funny. My little love.. 

Chocolate Applesauce Cake

  • 1 cup flour
  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup applesauce
  • 1/2 cup semisweet chocolate 
  • 1/2 cup walnuts, chopped
Mix the flour,cocoa,baking soda and salt in one bowl. Beat the butter,sugar and vanilla with the mixer in a large bowl until creamy. Add the eggs,on at the time,beating until just blended after each addition. Gradually beat in the dry ingredients and the applesauce. Spoon the batter into 20 cm lined baking pan . Sprinkle with the chocolate chopped into chips and walnuts and bake until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean, 30-35 min on 180C.
Cool on a rack and serve with cream,chocolate sauce or some fresh fruit. 
Instead of the whole amount of applesauce,you can substitute a part of the amount with mashed banana. It also tastes delicious. 

 Bon Appetite!

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