
May 18, 2012

Brownie Torta / Brownie Cake

Torta stvorena za cokoholicare. Bogati brownie biskvit sa isto tako bogatom kremom i lagani sloj slaga koji cijelom cokoladnom zalogaju daje odlican balans. Vrlo ju cesto pravim za rodjendane i do sada nisam uspjela uhvatiti trenutak da joj uslikam presijek. Kada god je o njoj rijec, kada god je ona na stolu tih par minuta potrebnih za jedan klik puuuno je vremena :)  Stvori se nervoza i u cijeloj prici zaboravim staviti barem na stranu jedan komadic da ga uslikam poslije. No Milicza sa Coolinarike bila je jako ljubazna i dopustila da upotrijebim njenu sliku presjeka. Hvala :)
Tortu sam ukrasila cokoladnom ogradicom.

Brownie Torta
  • 200 g maslaca
  • 200 g tamne cokolade
  • 4 jaja
  • 250 g secera
  • 2 zlicice vanilija ekstrakta
  • 120 g brasna
  • prstohvat soli
  • 300 ml slatkog vrhnja
  • 300 g tamne cokolade
Sloj slaga:
  • 300 ml slatkog vrhnja  

Maslac i cokoladu otopite na vodenoj kupelji. Jaja miksajte sa secerom dok ne dobijete gustu smjesu. Dodajte otopljenu cokoadu,ekstrakt i sve dobro promijesajte. Dodajte brasno i sol, sve rucno,lagano izmijesajte te istesite u kalup oblozen masnim papirom.
Pecite oko 25 min na 180C. Nemojte ju prepeci je ovaj biskvit treba biti socniji.
Za kremu zagrijte vrhnje (ne smije kuhati) i prelijte komadice cokolade. Mijesajte dok se cokolada ne istopi i dok ne dobijete glatku kremu. Kada se krema poprilicno ohladi izradite ju mikserom. Ako ju ostavite predugo,stvrdnit ce vam dosta i biti ce teze izraditi ju. Premazite biskvit kremom i zadnjim slojem izradjenog slatkog vrhnja. Ohladite i posluzite.
Dobar tek!


Brownie Cake

This cake is perfect for passionate chocoholics. The layer of whipped cream makes an excellent balance to rich brownie bottom and rich dark chocolate ganache layer. I make it very often for birthday occasions and I never managed to catch a moment and take a picture of the cake inside. Whenever it is about Brownie Cake, even couple of minutes it is to much waiting :) Everybody gets nervious and I even forget to take one piece and put it aside to take picture later. But Milicza was very kind and alowed me to post one of her pictures. Thank you :)
I decorated the cake with the chocolate fence decoration. 

Brownie Cake
Brownie bottom:
  • 200 g butter
  • 200 g dark chocolate
  • 4 eggs
  • 250 g sugar
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 120 g flour
  • pinch of salt
  • 300 g dark chocolate
  • 300 ml whipping cream
The cream layer:
  • 300 ml whipping cream
Melt butter and the chocolate on bain marie.Put aside and let cool a little bit. Mix eggs and sugar until fluffy and nice yellow. Add the chocolate,extract,salt and flour. Whisk the mixture by hand and put in a lined cake pan. Bake for around 25 min on 180C. The cake should be soft and moist so do not over bake it.
For the ganache bring the cream to a boil and pour it over the chopped chocolate. Whisk until the chocolate is melted and let cool. But don't let it get to cold because it will be to hard and difficult to mix it with electric mixer. Mix the ganache and spread over the brownie bottom. Spread the last layer,the mixed whipped cream and cool the cake.


  1. Ohhhh I want this so badly!! It looks so so good. I may have to try this out this weekend. Love your blog!


    1. :) hey Krista,thanks. I hope you started doing the cake.. it's calling your name :))

  2. jako mi se dopada kako si je napravila.

  3. Slučajno sam naletjela na jedan komentar na stranici Ljiljane Nieder, i tako pronašla blog. Brownie torta izgleda fantastično, raj za oči i nepca :) S velikim zadovoljstvom ću pratiti ovaj blog!

    Puno pozdrava, Tanja

    1. :) drago mi je,dobrodosli! ako volite cokoladu,vase nepce ce biti i vise nego zadovoljno :)
