
August 4, 2012

Mousse od Jagoda u casicama od bijele cokolade / Strawberry Mousse in white chocolate cups

Ideja za serviranje ovog finog moussa bila je odlicna, no ove ljetne tempeature nikako mi nisu isle na ruku. Imala sam nekoliko minuta dok mi se tanke casice od bijele cokolade nisu pocele topiti. Sto je nekako i bilo za ocekivati. Nisam htjela previse duplati slojeve cokolade jer ni sama ne volim kada moram uprijeti svom snagom kako bih prelomila cokoladu. No bez obzira na topljenje, okus i kombinacija su fantasticni.

Samo serviranje jako je atraktivno. Cokoladna casica prebacia se na tanjur, casa podigne i jagode koje se nadju na tanjuru sa moussom, jedu se zajedno. U istoj casi servira se pjenusac sa pireom od jagoda i mente. Uistinu jedna privlacna i ukusna kombinacija. 
I ukoliko zelite nekoga impresionirati, ovo je idealno! 
Sami mousse je odlican. Vec sam uputila svaku pohvalu dragoj Billi. Radim ga cesto, a jako mi je drag i u zamrznutoj verziji kao sladoled za djecu. 

Mousse od Jagoda
  • 400 g jagoda
  • 1 limun, sok
  • 80 g secera
  • 6 listica zelatine
  • 2 bjelanjka
  • 250 ml slatkog vrhnja
  • 150 g bijele cokolade
Prvo napravite casice od cokolade. Rastopite ju na laganoj vatri, te dodajite zlicu po zlicu u papirnate ili silikonske kalupe za muffine. Okrecuci kalup cokolada se treba razliti po cijeloj unutrasnjosti. Mozete koristiti i kist. Okrenite ih naopako da se ostatak izlije i stavite u hladnjak da se stvrdne. Ponovite postupak do zeljene debljine casice ili dok vam ne nestane cokolade. Meni su osobno drazi silikonski kalupi jer mi je iz njih laske izvaditi cokoladu.
Za mousse smiksajte jagode i limunov sok u pire i zakuhajte sa secerom. Dodajte ocijedjenu zelatinu i pustite da se ohladi. Odvojeno izradite bjelanjke i slag. Prvo dodajte bjelanjke u jagode, a potom i slag.Rasporedite po kosaricama i ohladite.
Dobar tek!


Strawberry Mousse

I had this great idea of serving this dessert but I couldn't get along with these summer temperatures. The chocolate was melting way to quick and I had only a short time for serving it and taking some of the photos. I could make more layers in the cup but I don't like when I have to use all of my strength to break it. So I just left it so thin and delicate and this what we got in the end. 

It tasted awesome and the whole idea was fun for everyone. The chocolate cup was supposed to be placed on the plate together with the glass.You lift the glass and serve the strawberries with the mousse and in the glass I poured champagne together with some strawberry mint puree that I blended. Very,very nice. So if you want to impress, here is your dessert..

Strawberry Mousse

  • 400 g strawberries
  • 1 lemon juice
  • 80 g sugar
  • 6 leaves of gelatin 
  • 2 egg whites
  • 250 ml heavy cream
  • 150 g white chocolate
For the cups melt the chocolate. Place one spoon in paper or silicon cup and turn around in the air until it covers the whole cup. You can help yourself out with the brush. Turn the cup upside down and let the rest of the chocolate out. When it gets cold, do the whole procedure again. For me it was enough  two layers. If you prefer a thicker cup, repeat the procedure again. For this I prefer silicon cups. It was easier to get them out then with the paper one.
For the mousse blend the strawberries and the lemon juice in a puree. Place it in a bowl and together with the sugar bring it to a boil. Add the softened and drained gelatin leaves, whisk all until combined and put aside. 
Mix the egg whites with the sugar and mix whipping cream separately. First add the egg whites to the strawberry mixture and then the whipping cream.
Place the mousse in the cups and let it cool.
The number of cups varies of the thickness of the cups. The mousse serves 6,7 cups.
Bon Appetite!
This delicious mousse tastes great as Ice Cream for kids too. They just love it.


  1. Fino, osvježavajuće. Serviranje u čašicama od bijele čokolade je jako lijepo i atraktivno !

  2. Have to try this one! :))
    Yummy :))))))

