
June 20, 2012

Bolognese Torta / Bolognese Cake

     Nadam se da ce vam se ova ideja svidjeti koliko i meni. Prekrasna prezentacija jednog talijanskog klasika koja nikoga nece ostaviti ravnodusnim. 

Necu pisati cijeli recept za bolognese jer vjerujem da ga svatko radi po svom ukusu. 

Bolognese Torta

  • 400 g rigatoni paste 
  • 100 g ribanog parmezana
  • 200 g ricotta sira
  • bolognese umak napravljen od cca 700 g mesa
  • 100 g gaude

U posoljenoj vodi skuhajte pastu al dente. Nemojte ju prekuhati jer vam nece stajati uspravno kada ju budete slagali u kalup. Properite u hladnoj vodi i dobro posusite.  Pripazite da vam ne ostane vode unutar paste jer ce tokom pecenja iscuriti i raspadati se kada se izreze komad torte. U suhu pastu dodajte 2 zlice maslinovog ulja i protresite da se ne zaljepi. 
U receptu je pisalo da se nariba parmezan u komadu i da cini veliku razliku od onog ribanog iz vrecice. Nisam imala parmezana u komadu pa sam koristila ovaj iz vrecice. Istresite cijelu malu vrecicu i protresite. Nemojte mijesati kuhacom da vam se ne ostete rigatoni.   
Slazite pastu u kalup, uspravno jedan uz drugi. Od sira ce se sami lijepiti jedan za drugi i lijepo stajati.
Premazite cijeli sloj 'biskvita' sa ricottom i na to istresite umak. Probajte i sir i umak sto laganije i sto dublje u pastu nagurati. Sto se vise oko toga potrudite, biti ce van bolji presjek. Sve ce se spustiti niz rigatone. 
Zapecite 15 min na 200C, izvadite i pospite naribanom gaudom i ponovo vratite na 15ak min da se sir zapece.
U receptu je stajalo da se na zapecenu tortu izreze jedna mozzarella pa na nju gauda ili neki drugi topljeni sir. Meni se osobno mozzarella nije dopala pa sam ju kasnije izbacila sa popisa. Puno se stvrdne kada se torta ohladi i zavrsim sa 'gumenim' slojem.
Pospite nasjeckanim persinom i posluzite toplo.
Dobar tek!

Recept je osvojio prvo mjesto na jednom blogerskom natjecanju za najbolji talijanski recept. Potpisujem! Uistinu je.
Bolognese Cake

I hope you will like this cake and the idea as much as I do. A beautiful presentation of an italian classic. Bolognese. Enjoy!
I believe that all of you have your way of making Bolognese Sauce. For that reason I did not write the whole recipe. For this cake I used this amount of meat and made the sauce the way we like it. This beautiful idea won a 1st place at a blog contest for best italian recipe. 

Bolognese Cake
  • 400 g Rigatoni pasta
  • 100 g Parmigiano Cheese, shredded 
  • 2 spoons Olive Oli
  • 200 g Ricotta Cheese
  • Bolognese Sauce made with 700 g minced meat
  • 100 g Cheddar Cheese, shredded
  • fresh chopped parsley
Cook paste al dente in salted water. Do not over cook it, it will not stand nice and straight. Wash the pasta in a cold water, dry it good and mix with olive oil. Add the shredded Parmigiano cheese and mix everything (shaking) until combined. Don't use any spoon for mixing, you might break the pasta.
Stand the pasta up,vertically in a greased cake pan. Thanks to the cheese it will stick to each other and stand very nice.
Cover the pasta with a layer of ricotta cheese and try to push it down to rigatoni gently and much as possible. Spread the hot bolognese sauce over the pasta and try to do the same with fork. The hot sauce will melt the ricotta and the more you fill the pasta, the slice, when you cut a piece will be more pretty and it will be more delicious. 
Put everything in the oven for 15 min on 200C. Take it out, cover with cheddar cheese and bake for another 15 min more.

If the pasta is not drained enough the final result might be 'watery' and the slice of cake might fell apart when you take it out.
It is recommended to use freshly grated Parmigiano cheese but the one from the bag will serve too.
Bon Appetite!


  1. aaaaaaaaaa, usvoji me i hrani me, molim te :)
    Ovo je predivno. Svaki pene napunjen filom. Mljac :)

  2. Ajme genijalno, morat ću se jednog dana pogirati s takvom tortom.

  3. Krasno izgleda, već sam komentirala na fb-u, i kao što sam rekla odlična ideja!

  4. WOW! This torta is GORGEOUS! I love bolognese sauce..will definitely have to give it a try!

    1. Do that Lisa! I am sure it will be a big hit at your place..
