
April 15, 2012

Rustikalna Torta od Badema sa kremom od Bijele Cokolade aromatiziranom Majcinom Dusicom ⁄ Almond Cake with White ganache aromatized with Thyme

     Nedjelja. Torta. Bademi. Bijela čokolada. Ova torta savrseno upotpunjuje sve navedeno. Preukusna i bogata okusima. Izgled joj mozda vuce na jednostavnost i ali vjerujte, sve je samo ne jednostavna. Aromatizirana cokolada daje joj poseban štih. Aromatizirana cokoladna krema koju mozes jesti zlicom i tjesiti se dobro,ovako jedem i truffle. Nije strasno. Nije, osim sto zavrsis sa manjkom kreme..

Slikanje je bilo posebno zanimljivo. Bili smo vani i Jakob bi malo malo maznio komad torte sa tanjurica. Prvo je bio pokoji badem..


Pa onda i cijeli komad..

I bjezi! hahaa...

     Pobjegao je sa tortom u rukama. A sto da kazem, i njemu se svidjela. Na kraju je komad zavrsio u komadicima. Jakob je samo dolazio, otvarao usta i vikao a,a,a... :) Juuubav moja. 

Bru je tek negdjeprije pocela jesti kolace. Do tada ih nije niti pomirisala. Tek kada je pocela igrati se sa mnom kuhinji, pocela ih je i jesti. I da, sada je u fazi kada nema teorije da Jakob nesto napravi, dobije ili pojede a da nije i ona. I to prva! Obavezno! Tako da on kakav je, mali terminator i sa hranom, jede sve od a do z, pocela je dosta toga jesti i ona uz njega. Salatu! zelenu salatu moje  dijete od 1,5 godinu papa samo talko i sve cmokce! a ona...ona ju je zvakala i zvakala, nesvjesno pravila face za poluditi od smijeha ALI...nije odustajala! :)

Tortu sam pekla u dosta malom kalupu (23 cm). Ako zelite tortu standardne dimenzije, poduplajte recept. Kako god da napravite, bit ce vam malo...

 Torta od badema 
sa kremom od bijele cokolade 
aromatiziranom majcinom dusicom 

Za biskvit je potrebno:
  • 5 jaja
  • 150 g secera
  • 155 g maslaca
  • 250 g badema ( moze i pola oraha)
  • 25 g brasna
  • 1 zlicica ekstrakta vanilije
  • 1/2 zlicice ekstrakta badema
  • 1⁄2 salice badema ( za posipanje)
Za kremu:
  • 125 g bijele cokolade
  • 65 ml slatkog vrhnja
  • 1 zlicica maslaca
  • 3 grancice svjeze majcine dusice 
     Za kremu je najbolje da ju napravite i ostavite u hladnjaku da odlezi preko noci. Ako vam je dugo za cekati,koristiti se moze cim se dovoljno stvrdne ( ovisi o kolicini koju pravite).  Slatko vrhnje zagrijte skoro do vrenja,no ne smije prokuhati. Ubacite majcinu dusicu i ostavite poklopljeno sa strane 2,3 sata. Zatim ga zagrijte i procijedite. U drugoj zdjeli izlomite cokoladu na komadice i prelijte vrucim vrhnjem. Dobro izmjesajte i ohladite.
     Za biskvit el.mikserom izradite zumanjke i secer i posebno snijeg od bjelanjaka.  U zumanjke dodajte omeksali maslac i ekstrakte i dobro izradite. Rucno i postepeno u zumanjke dodajte pola smjese pomjesanih samljevenih badema i brasna, pa pola snijega, drugu polovicu badema i ostatak snijega. 
     Biskvit pecite u manjem kalupu oblozenim papirom za pecenje na 170 C, 40 min. Ako podje brzo tamniti,pokrijte alu folijom da biskvit ne izgori.
    Ohladite. Izvadite kremu iz hladnjaka,ostavite na sobnoj temperaturi 10ak min i izradite ju el.mikserom. Biskvit prerezite po pola i filujte. Mali dio kreme ostavite kako bi u tankom sloju premazali gornju povrsinu torte. Pospite grubo sjeckanim bademima.
    Tortu mozete posluziti i odmah.

Dobar tek!


Almond Cake with White Chocolate ganache aromatized with Thyme

     Sunday. Cake. Almonds. White chocolate. This cake perfectly completes everything. Way to delicious and flavor rich. On the first sight it may look quite simple. Believe me it is everything but simple. Aromatized chocolate gives a cake a special touch. You can eat the filling with spoon and console yourself. Well..this is how I eat the truffles too. It is not bad, not at all. Not unless you end up with lack of filling.. 

     The shooting outside was very interesting. Jakob was stealing cake from the plate all the time. First it was only couple of almonds ( see the picture above ), then the whole piece and run baby,run hahhaaa... He ran away with the cake. What can I say, he liked it :) The piece of cake ended up in pieces. He was only saying a,a,a with his mouth open.

     Until recently Bru didn't eat cakes at all. When she started playing with me in the kitchen, that is when she started trying my cakes.  She is in a new faze. There is no chance that Jakob does something, gets smth or eats something and she doesn't. She needs to be first at everything. It's her way or a highway. So Jakob being Jakob, a little terminator even with the food, he got her to eat the things she did not like. Like salad. He with his 1,5 year, he is eating salad with olive oil and aceto balsamico end really enjoying it. And Bru :) she was chewing and chewing and she wasn't even aware of what kind of faces she was making. We laughed so hard... BUT she did not quit! Still she had to be first.

Almond Cake with White ganache aromatized with Thyme

For the cake:
  • 5 eggs
  • 5,3 oz (150g) sugar
  • 5,4 oz (155g) butter 
  • 8,8 oz (250g) almonds,finely ground
  • 0,8 oz (25g) flour
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon almond extract
  • 1/2 cup almonds,chopped
For the ganache:
  • 4,4 oz (125 g) white chocolate
  • 2,1 oz (65ml) heavy cream
  • 1 teaspoon butter
  • 3 stalks of fresh thyme

     The filling is best to make a day before and leave it in a fridge. Or you can use it right after it thickens ( the time depends of the amount of filling you did). Bring the cream almost to a boil in a small saucepan over low heat. Put in thyme stalks and set aside for 2,3 hours. Place the chocolate in a medium bowl. Warm the cream again and through the sieve pour the cream over the chocolate and stir until the chocolate is melted and smooth. Refrigerate.

For the cake beat the egg yolks and sugar and beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form. Add the very soft butter into egg yolks and extracts and beat it until smooth. Mix finely ground almonds and flour in a bowl. Gradually by hand add half of almonds to the egg yolks. Mix it slowly and add half of the egg whites and do the same. Finish with the rest of the almonds and egg whites. 
Line a small (9-inch, 23 cm) cake pan with the parchment paper and bake the cake around 4o min on 170 C. If it starts getting very brown put the aluminium  foil over the top. Cool the cake on the racks.
Cut the cake into two layers. Spread 2⁄3 of the filling on the first layer and the rest on the top. Sprinkle with the chopped almonds on the top.

Bon Appetit!

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