
April 30, 2012

Dekoracija cokoladnom ogradicom / Chocolate fence decoration


Dekoracija cokoladnom ogradom jako je elegantna i sto je bitno, jednostavna je za napraviti. Ako zelite impresionirati goste ili ukucane, svakako probajte. Od crne, bijele ili bilo koje druge cokolade mozete isarati dezen po volji ili pak nesto ispisati.
Na vodenoj kupelji otopite 50 g cokolade. To je dovoljno za tortu promjera 26 cm i 5 cm visine. Smotajte kornet od papira za pecenje i napunite ga cokoladom. Takodjer mozete to isto uciniti i sa vrecicom za zamrzavanje. Preporucljivo je da je vrecica cvrsca kako ne bi pukla.Cokoladu istresite u malu prozirnu vrecicu te prorezite skarama vrh.... Rezite malo po malo. Lakse ce vam biti dodatno ju odrezati nego sve u novu vrecicu pretresati u slucaju da vam vrh bude presirok.
 Od papira za pecenje izrezite trake duzine koliki je omjer torte i visine kolika je torta. Lakse je da to napravite iz dva dijela. Ako isarate jedan papir sa cijelim omjerom torte, trebati ce vam netko pomoci prebaciti ju na tortu. 

 Po papiru isarajte cokoladu i na sobnoj temperaturi pustite da se ohladi. Trebati ce vam 20 ak minuta na sobnoj temperaturi. Polako podignite papir i provjerite dali je spremno za premjestiti na tortu. Ako cokolada stoji na mjestu, mozete premjestiti ogradicu. Polako uzmite za gornja dva kuta papira i lagano zaljepite prvo na donji rub torte a onda polako i ostatak. Nemojte puno pritiskati kako se cokolada nebi razmrljala. Dovljno je lagano ju pritisnuti i krema/ganache kojom oblozite tortu zaljepiti ce sama ogradicu. 
Cijelu tortu,zajedno sa papirom na ogradici stavite u frizider 10,15 min da se stvrdne. Izvadite i polako odlijepite papir i vasa divna dekoracija je spremna. 

Jos jedna mala napomena,kada iscrtate cokoladu po papiru, niposto ju nemojte stavljati u frizider jer ce se jako stvrdniti i necete ju moci prenijeti na tortu. Ispucati ce dok ju budete savijali prema torti.

Uzivajte u ovoj  Cokoladnoj Torti :)


Chocolate fence decoration

Chocolate fence is a very elegant decoration. It is not complicated to make and the result is beautiful. If you want to impress the guests, give it a try. With dark, milk,white or any other chocolate you can draw  or write whatever you like.
On bain marie or in mw melt 50 g chocolate. That is enough for a 26cm cake. Make a parchment pastry bag and fill it with chocolate. Or you can use a small freezing bag and cut a tiny hole on the top. Try to use a zip lock bag because otherwise soft ones might brake. Cut the hole little by little until you come to a thickness of a writing that you like. It it easier to cut the hole a little bit more then to change the whole bag.

Cut parchment paper strips in the measurements of the cake. It is easier to do it from two parts. So you can transfer the fence on the cake by yourself. If you do it from one part, you will need some help. Draw the chocolate and let it cool on the room temperature. The consistency needs to be like Nutella, not to liquid,not to hard. If you lift it up while still liquid/soft it might loose it's shape. And if you leave it to thicken you might not be able to round it onto the cake. Do not put it in the refrigerator. 

Easily, take it for the upper two corners and transfer the paper to the cake. Firs the lover part,then the rest. No need to push to much. The ganache on the cake will stick to it itself. Put the cake with the paper still on in the refrigerator and leave it for 10 min. The chocolate will harden and then peel the paper off. And there you will  have your beautiful chocolate fence decoration.
Enjoy this best ever The Chocolate Cake :)