
October 25, 2014

Čokoladna mousse torta sa šipkom / Chocolate Mousse Cake with Pomegranate

Recept za ovaj odlicni cokoladni biskvit mozete pronaci kod cokoladne torte.

Čokoladni mousse:
  • 5 zumanjaka
  • 50 g secera
  • 80 ml mlijeka
  • 240 g cokolade
  • 400 ml slatkog vrhnja

Izradite zumanjke sa secerom. Zagrijte mlijeko i 60 ml slatkog vrhnja (do vrenja, ne prokuhati). Dodajte u zumanjke, pomijesajte i prebacite zdjelu na paru. Nastavite mijesati pjenjacom dok krema lagano ne zgusne. Zatim dodajte izlomljenu cokoladu i maknite sa pare. Mijesajte dok se cokolada ne otopi. Kada dobijete jednu finu kompaktnu smjesu, ostavite na sobnoj temperaturi da ohladi. Mlako, skoro hladno umijesate u ostatak izradjenog tucenog vrhnja. Vrhnje izradite da bude srednje pjenasto. Nikako ga pretuci. Mousse ohladite u frizideru i nafilujte tortu. Ukrasite kao na slici ili po zelji.
Dobar tek.

Ovaj fantasticni mousse idealan je kao krema za torte, cupcakes-e, casice. Pripremila ga je Ana Zlodi.


Chocolate Mousse Cake with Pomegranate

The recipe for the chocolate sponge/cake you can find at our recipe for the best Chocolate Cake

Chocolate Mousse:
  • 5 egg yolks
  • 50 g sugar
  • 80 ml milk
  • 240 g chocolate
  • 400 ml heavy cream
Mix egg yolks and sugar. Heat milk and 60 ml of heavy cream and add to the yolks. Place on bain marie and whisk until it thickens. Add chocolate and put the bowl aside. Stir until it combines into smooth mixture. When cooled on a room temperature add it to the rest of whipped cream. Combine everything and put in a fridge. Finish the cake and let it stay overnight in the fridge. Decorate as shown or as you prefer. 
Enjoy this super delicious recipe.


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October 5, 2014

Kolacici sa brusnicom, pistacijem i crnim sezamom / Cranberry, Pistachio and Black Sesame Cookies

Kolacici sa brusnicom, pistacijem i crnim sezamom

175g maslaca, sobne temperature
80g smedjeg secera
1 zlicica ekstrakta od vanilije 
225 g brašna
40 g crnog sezama
40 g pistacija, sjeckanih
75 g susenih brusnica

Izradite maslac, secer i ekstrakt vanilije. Dodajte pomijesane suhe sastojke i rucno umijestite tijesto. Tijesto razvaljajte na dvije role cca 4 cm promjera, zamotajte u prozirnu foliju u stavite u frizider oko sat vremena. Zagrijte pecnicu na 180'C te izrezite tijesto na kolutove debljine 1 cm. Slazite na masni papir i pecite oko 12 min. Cim rubovi poprime laganu smedju boju, kolacici su gotovi. Ohladite i uzivajte.

Recept vidjela kod Tanje na Tanja's Cooking corner.


Cranberry, Pistachio and Black Sesame Cookies

175g butter, softened
80g brown sugar
  1 tsp vanilla extract
225g flour
40g pistachios, chopped
75g dried cranberries
40 g black sesame seed

Mix butter, sugar and vanilla extract. Add flour and the rest of the ingredients. Use your hands to make a compact dough. Divide in two and make a long log aprox 4 cm wide. Wrap them in cling foil and let sit in a fridge for about one hour. Heat the oven to 180'C. Cut the dough into small cookies about 1cm thick and place them on parchment paper. Bake for about 12 min. Soon as you see the edges start getting a nice brown color, the cookies are ready. Cool them and

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